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Beauty Playing a Hand Drum - Katsushika Hokuun

Beauty Playing a Hand Drum - Katsushika Hokuun


Katsushika Hokuun (1804-44)
Beauty Playing a Hand Drum surimono
Japanese woodblock reprint
21 x 17.7 cm [image]
38.5 × 34.5cm [framed]

Surimono are an exclusive category of Japanese woodblock prints. Poetry clubs commissioned these designs for distribution to a small audience of members, most often as New Year’s greetings. These privately published images included a wonderful range of subjects and lavish printing techniques such as embossing, burnishing and metallic pigments. SInce they were not sold commercially, the print runs were very small and original Edo era surimono are incredibly rare in the market today. This reprint offers a great way to collect a classic design at a more reasonable price.

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