Thinking Through Lockdown With JohnnyX — Gallagher & Turner

Specialist picture framer | Modern & contemporary art gallery in Newcastle


Thinking Through Lockdown With JohnnyX

Johnnyx is a printmaker based in Newcastle, using multi-faceted screen prints to parody Pop Art, advertising culture and the socio-political zeitgeist. His bright, bold, and colourful prints collage together a vicious social commentary with a use of colour that’s nothing short of show-stopping. We’re delighted to stock a range of his prints at Gallagher & Turner. You can find out more about him and see more of his work here and find him on Instagram here. Take care Johnny and hopefully see you soon!

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What is helping you to get through lockdown? 

Being able to work. I’m very lucky to still have access to my studio. I don’t really have down time, so if I was locked down at home not being able to work I wouldn’t be coping very well.

How are you coping?

Ups and downs. I miss being able to share my work, either at the studio or at a show.. Also, visiting galleries especially openings! (ask Clare) .. but I’m an optimistic soul (except on Mondays) and know for sure this Covid nightmare will all be over before too long.

What are you looking forward to?

Social. Can’t wait to get back to studio visits/pubs/galleries and soaking up all the inspiration which comes with interacting, consuming and sharing...

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What are you missing?

Human contact. Seeing family and friends on impulse. But also collectors, conversations and opinions...

How has your routine been impacted by lockdown? 

I’m a bit target driven, I get excited when I know I have a show coming up or a commitment to producing works. Lockdown has been a shift in emphasis and priorities, motivation comes and goes, but I have imaginary targets, for after lockdown..  need to hook up with the curators out there to get the ball rolling again!

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 Has your work changed during the pandemic? 

Yes and no. Yes because I’ve been extremely fortunate to receive Arts Council funding for experimentation in digital arts. I’m currently looking to extend my works into Virtual Reality.. exploring how this virtual platform can augment and relate to 2D physical works, how one platform may enhance or change relationships between physical and digital. I have created a number of painted works which exist to work with the digital space I’m currently working on,  I’m already imagining the show, and its awesome. 

But also no, because I still experiment in print and spray paint, some cracking work to come.

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